Terms of Service

Before proceeding, please acknowledge that you are agreeing to the following terms:

If you accept these terms, continue below!

Commission Options

simple / standard / icon / TBA / comics

simple style - $12

a simple commission is a simplified full body of your character of choice with a simple background to compliment it. they are meant to be quick, simple, and ultimately cute/comedic

max of two (2) characters in piece. this second character makes it $24

no sketch is provided during the process

alts provided for no cost ONLY if its like adding a layer over original piece (ie. binky, taking off outfit, ect). if it means i have to adjust original lineart then no

standard style - starting at $100

standard style are full illustration including two (2) characters a fully detailed background they interact with

if you want a piece with only one (1) character, then it will be $50

the piece will be shaded cell or soft, or no shading at all depending on atmosphere and what i think fits it best. same goes for whether the background will be lined or painted. it is at my discretion while i work but i may ask you what you think/prefer if i am unsure

a prelimarary sketch will be sent to you for feedback before i proceede to the lining, coloring and shading. i typically communicate with you through this process and ask for additional details

add ons

  • +$50 per additional character
  • +$8 per alt (variation of base file such as diaper/paci/tears/ect)

icon - $8

icons are small headshot/bust up drawing of your character of choice intended to use for a pfp or likewise

*no explicit NSFW for this option. themed kink is fine

comics / sketchpage comics - prices vary!

these are still in the experimental phase so the prices arent solid!!! backgrounds will be simple and there will be no shading (unless atmospheric/effect). if a panel has a ton of characters itll look like shet

i can use my handwriting or text tool for text boxes!

please dont ask me to make a comic about vanilla sex i will decline because why would u do this to me

comic strip pages (includes 4 panels) are $140 per page / $35 per panel
page can be more artsy since its all on one page

panel comics are $35 per page
transitional panels/panels with minimal change can come at free if its for comedic effect or something. these are more animation like

sketchpage comics are $25 per doodle
these are intended to be fun and loose. please try to keep it limited to 1-2 characters. they can be very artsy. i prefer doing these for like train of thoughts, tf sequences or like to show movement/flow of time of an event :3 not a bunch of unrelated doodles